Web-of-trust for digital nomads

Staying in control with self-sovereign identities within the community of like-minded people

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Live Everywhere. Work Anywhere. Enable secure collaboration with blockchain technology

A self-directed personality is one that you own. It is yours for as long as you need it and no one can take it away or control it but yourself.

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Take back your privacy and make it digital art

Our team still remembers the early Internet, which was free and private. When anyone behind their online nickname could be anyone and only people close to you who knew your nickname really knew who was behind it. It is this concept on an equal footing with the Self-sovereign approach that we are laying down as the basis of a decentralized digital identifier.

Data, entertainment, and business relations have all gone digital. Identity and art will be next. We decided to combine these and make each digital identity a unique piece of generative art. Each owner gets a non-fungible identifier and a unique generated avatar that depends on your public address.

Questions & Answers

  • Idntty is infrastructure for digital ID & web-of-trust founded in mid 2021. Based on its own blockchain network, utility token and and a set of own SaaS. The Idntty infrastructure is designed to allow not only highly specialized specialists, but also mainstream users, to build decentralized applications and integrate with it.

  • Unlike centralized services with a single certification center, we allow anyone to become the validator of your digital ID. Depending on the level of trust you require in your ID and the task you are solving - it could be ordinary people, KYC providers, corporations or government agencies. For verification, it will be enough to issue a special transaction on our network to validate your ID. The more participants validate your ID, the more trustworthy it is.

  • You only need to validate your digital ID if you want to increase the level of trust in the actions you take - whether it's notarizing data or digitally signing documents. For your partners or counter-parties to understand that it is your address and names of your digital signature - they must somehow verify it. If they take your word for it or trust you for some other reason - you don't have to do it.

  • Like any decentralized infrastructure - idntty and requires transaction verification to write data to the decentralized storage using blockchain technology. To "pay" for these transactions is what tokens are needed. We don't have "gas" or any other tricky mechanisms - only the type of transaction and the amount of data you want to store in the decentralized storage affects the cost of the transaction.

  • This means that any data, transactions, and anything that happens in our blockchain - will take place using the test network. The pluses of this period are that in general all operations and other things will be absolutely free, because anyone can get tokens - absolutely free. The disadvantages are that some of the features may not work stable and your data can be erased and destroyed, despite the fact that we use blockchain. But! We prepared a lot of pleasant surprises for all users who will try our service and will plan to use it in the future. So, start to use - leave your feedback and we will have a lot of interesting things to come.

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